Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Every moment is the first moment of the rest of your life.  It seems that for some time I have forgotten to just stop, clear my mind, and rest for a spell.  As a great many have said it before me, I'll say it in my own words.  For you, whomever you may be.

There are scars upon my face, they shine a pretty shade of blue.
They line my eyes like teardrops, like a fading, sad tattoo.
I'll be your clown...I'll be your fool.
I'll be anything you want me to...

There was a shadow in a valley, in my mind which I pursued.
This place of skull would serve a hearty lot of grim abuse.
I'll be your heartache...You'll be my muse.
We'll fail each other soft and true.

Someday, I'll come back to you...
There there now little lover,
I'll come back for you.

Time will take your body, age will exact its toll.
Someday pretty soon, you won't be beautiful...
Then what will you give to them?
I guess you'll give your soul...

That's when I'll come back to you.

Live long.


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