Monday, July 20, 2015


The mad scientist gets to heaven and rests his tired bones on a bench outside the pearly gates. Peter calls his name, but the scientist does not respond. Peter calls a second time, and again, the scientist ignores. Peter calls a third time, and the scientist replies, "Send me back Peter, I'm not finished yet." A lifetime later, the same scientist again sits outside the gates, and Peter calls to him. The scientist does not respond. Peter calls a second time, again, the scientist ignores. Peter calls a third time, and disappointed, the scientist wanders into the unknown, somewhere far from heaven. The problem with believing in a perfect deity is that at some point, you must quit believing in yourself....

We're all afraid.  Afraid to take the leap, stray the mean, wander alone.  If you aren't, you either lack the experience, or you deny it.  Wield a fine eye on life, and you will see the small discontinuities, the little things that don't add up in people.  Maybe I'm wrong, given that the sum of the pieces is greater than that of the whole.  But I don't think so.

A Letter From Andrew to Peter

Woke up a bit confused again,
Next to someone new again.
Memorized the lines to say,
To run somebody through again.
Hope she isn't faint of heart,
Or this is gonna hurt.
Think about the snow again,
The lows have gotten low again,
I miss the cold from where I came,
It's freezing here in other ways.
I make due with what I've got,
Supplant the storm with rotten crop.
"Good morning sweetheart, you've got to go..."
Better break a heart
Than let her know
What life is like in afterglow.
Eat my meals on a mirror,
So I can't claim I didn't see it coming.

As always,

Live long,


Monday, July 13, 2015


You can't control everything that happens in your life, but you can control how you perceive, how you react, and how you move forward.  Move forward with an open heart, a peaceful mind, and a stronger will.

Sad, sad sunsets,
Fall on bitter days.
Rag tag shallow lovers,
Cross in numbered ways.
And the dust begins to accumulate...
On what beauty could have been.
Jaded but not innumerate,
It's time for me to leave.
Cause a pretty, pretty sunrise,
Is waiting by the sea...
To light my eyes up blue again,
And etch my smile to the breeze.

All my love, live long.


Monday, July 6, 2015


There you are, minding your own business.  Someone comes along, and turns your life upside down.  They make you question who you are, what you want, and how you feel.  They ruin your perfect little bubble of security and comfort.  They tear all kinds of shit apart like a tornado, and then they're gone.  Thank God for people like that.  They show you how to love, and how to let go.  They learn you well the lessons in joy and pain, in passion and loss.  They force your change.  Even though you want to keep them forever, they teach you that you can't, and that's ok.  Live long.


Saturday, July 4, 2015


Learn the lesson, and then move on from the bad, and focus on the good.  Just because something didn't work doesn't mean blame should be assigned, and just because something breaks, doesn't mean someone must be condemned.  Do the best you can for those you love, and do the best you can for those you don't.  We get so little time on this earth, and we take about 673 million breaths of life.  We only take one breath of death.  Stop spending your time looking for something worth dying for, and look for something worth living for.  Sometimes that something might be someone.  I've found a few really wonderful things to live for, and a few extraordinary people.  Often these amazing people don't even know that they're amazing.  Tell them.  Let them know.  673 million breaths, but you never know which one of those is death.  Me?  All my love to Di.  Live long.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015


To combine the greatest forces of the universe: physics, philosophy, and love.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
I love the wonder; what you are.
You scintillate, but you don't know;
Twinkle, twinkle, little glow.
When we come a' searchin',
You weren't even ever there.
I wonder, little wonder,
Did you ever even care?

Live long,
