Friday, April 10, 2015


Have you ever considered what your life will bring?  Have you ever measured your potential, pondered what impact you may have?  I walk quietly through peoples' lives, and I embody the change that comes to pass, I take responsibility for that which I am responsible.  The magnitude of the conscientiousness is magnificent, but we are all a part of this universe, and we all play our small roles about its singularity.  My words, my actions; my life sets a pistol on a nightstand here, provides the inspiration to lift a text there, and all that rests between the fine lines that separates the ambiguity between madness and genius, between righteousness and wickedness.  We all have a duty set before us, and I cannot begin to extrapolate its genesis, but I need not look that far to actualize and personify that which I wish to represent.  And I stand in no fear of my failure, because it is by my failures that I have grown.  It is through my pain that I have endured, and in my darkest moments that I grit my teeth and with a keen mind I chose and sought to pick myself up from that which brought me to my knees.  Like the light that transcends the windowpane, I also reflect.  Can you not discover the innumerable links, the truth speaks to me from its tangibility, and my fingers move across the keys that write the great volumes that they identify.  Like the light refracts perfectly in total internal reflection in response to media, I move in all directions across my actions.  I scour that which I have done, and that which I am prepared to do, critical to the very last moment, until I succumb to my own power, and decide.  And in this decision I solemnly promise to face the truth which I have now created.  There is an oak tree waiting for me somewhere, and it is time that I rest beneath its wonders, and soak in the waves that have carried me out to sea.

There is a philosophy in this world, one that resonates with meaning.  Some men, brilliant men, have argued that there is no proof that life carries meaning.  Some would call this cowardice, but this is ill advised.  Maybe life doesn’t have meaning, but is it not us that lend the meaning?  Perspective truly is everything.  Life only carries importance if you assign that importance.  Have you no feeling of responsibility?  I am not driven, though many claim that I am.  No, I am not motivated by self to do the things I do, I am compelled, and I simply embrace the byproduct of determination.  The riverbed is a dangerous place.  Full of jagged edges and drowning forces.  You can spend your life fighting the current, until you tire, and then what have you accomplished?  The same end achieved, but lacking any substance.  Friend, you may be doomed to do that for eternity.  No, I will let it take me places, and I will enjoy the intensity.  I will let these waves carry me into the great unknown.  Fear is only fear if you let it be as such, with just a slight modification in your view it becomes fear no longer, but excited anticipation.  I want to get back to who I once was, but there is not going back.  Onward, says the soul.  Onward, we are not yet finished.  Live long.


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