Thursday, September 3, 2015


"My greatest fear in life is that someday, on my operating table, lay a soul who need not stay; and I will not have studied enough to urge the body to reconsider."

Many years ago, I made this statement to a friend; my colleague, and my mentor.  This Friday he will be honored for his academic achievement in medicine, for his resilience and knowledge.  In this spotlight, he has chosen to quote my words, remembered from long ago; something for which my gratitude cannot be defined.  It does well to pay homage to those who have shaped us, to remember those who have been there for us, never wavering in the face of adversity.  More often than not I forget that I have such people around me, and I pay more time and attention to the wrong individuals instead.  However, I am always called home by those most loyal, by those who care.  I'm so very proud to be called "friend" by the great movers of my life, so very excited to be a part of their stories, and constantly humbled by their actions and accomplishments.  I urge you to take a moment to think about your great movers, to reach out to them, to let them know you care.  Life, after all, is terribly short, even if it's the longest thing you'll ever do.  With that I leave you.  Live long.


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