Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Hello, my name is Andrew Zywiec, and I'm going to change the world. The process through which I obtain information is highly exergonic, indicative of the spontaneity by which I become inspired. My mind operates and condenses data at 7.31E14 Hz, and the entropy reduction can only be substantiated by reviewing the enthalpic effects of that which is brilliant, not to mention it explains the electric blue color of my eyes. You see, greatness is achieved through great sacrifice. At the expense of every shred of happiness you would have ever fostered, greatness will wring you dry and you will know what it means to endure. But the feeling is analogous with the sun in the sky. It seems small relative to the horizon, but up close its magnitude is nearly incomprehensible. Speaking in the definitive, let truth be told; My smile carries the weight of heavy years, but the light of promising tomorrows. Seldom is the moment when concise and Socratic vernacular can wield its infinite character and escape my invasive disposition, but when I fall victim to the shallow throes of mediocrity I rise with unparalleled force. I protract with an effervescence that transcends the common grasps of comprehension. The pages of my book will emanate the musty smell of knowledge and bourbon. I heard that Hemingway liked his whiskey, and Poe was hooked on ope. I heard that Einstein fancied a lady, and Cobain shot up dope. I heard that Arnold juiced his pro-card, and that Jesus was a hoax. We all have a ghost in our history. But how I learn...

Faccio le ore piccole. Sto studiando, ma non perche' a devo, perche' IO VOGLIO. Ho venuto, ho visto, HO IMPARATO. Uno giorno, molti anni di adesso, tu dirai "io ho letto le parole nel libro di Andrea, e loro sono state come i leoni nel mio cuore."

Live long my Dearest Friend,


Monday, October 13, 2014


To live in the shade for fear of sunburn is almost like not living at all.  You can stand outside of the fire; and the warmth will feel as a blanket on your being.  Step closer and it becomes hot...closer and it becomes pain...closer and it burns.  Still closer yet, you go up in flames.  Stay, and you will be consumed, go and you will be scarred.  There is another side of this story, however.  The fire needs fuel, or it will slowly burn, and the embers will turn to ash.  No one will feel the warmth of its glow, no one will see the beauty of its dance, nor hear the sound of its song.  It will not bring heat to the cold and weary; light to the dark and lost.  It will never live again.  People must give their lives so that we may benefit as a whole.  Find a fire that you believe must continue, and give yourself.  Maybe it's a person, maybe it's an instrument, or maybe it's an idea.  Be it as it may, when you give freely of yourself, you will find great peace, and you will find great love.  The kind of love that transcends our language and exists beyond this place of Aristotelian thisness.  It will draw wonderful people into your life, and it will lift you up.  You will live long, and you will know joy.
